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BLM = BAMBlack Lives Matter = Black Artists Matter = B...
BLM = BAM Black Lives Matter = Black Artists Matter = Black Art Matters
One year ago on May 25, George Floyd was murdered in a callous act of police brutality. Tragically, he was not the first Black person to die in this way and he has not been the last. Yet, his specific death set off a chain reaction of sustained BLM-led protests that have reverberated around the world.
Those protests, as powerful as they were, have not yet been enacted into laws that will change the material conditions of Black lives. They have, however, had a profound effect on how systemic racism is understood. This impact is being felt across society, including within the Canadian art system.
PC/Cp focuses on the conditions and the concerns of IBPoC artists. With BLM = BAM, we are specifically centering the voice of Black artists on the territory called Canada. We provided 11 Black artists with very modest means, a tight timeline and an invitation to address this theme.
BLM = BAM is the aggregated weaving of their artistic responses.
Rodney Saint-Éloi. Haiti-born poet, essayist, and publisher Rodney Saint-Éloi authored fifteen books of poetry,...
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Prayer is good O! is a phone call between my mother and I that reveals a ritual we have shared for 35 years. Every ye...
Water is central to our story. My ancestors, the Black Refugee-Survivors of the War of 1812, were bold freedom runner...