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First published in Rungh. Used with permission. And we continue to walk. Taking time to go to our medicines. To spe...
Les participants du Rassemblement PC/Cp 2017 ont été invités à se joindre à la table ronde pour discuter d'une questi...
Je ne me souviens pas de grand chose mais voici ce que j’ai écrit. L'atelier était co-facilité avec Yara El-Ghabda...
This thesis examines the early formation of racial equity policies at The Canada Council for the Arts. This research ...
University of Washington professor Dr. Robin DiAngelo reads from her book "White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for Whit...
This reading guide is intended to support formal and informal discussions of White Fragility. We offer the following ...
Spoiler alert: there have been—they just don't get exhibitions. Black Canadian women encounter the fate of witnessin...
Un portrait conversationnel du Rassemblement Primary Colours/Couleurs primaires (PC/Cp) J’aimerais d’abord rem...